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Kashif Khan

Shock Wave Therapy with Adam Gavine

AUGUST 22, 2023

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Have you ever dealt with back pain that never seems to go away?

When that happens to most of us, our first move is often to take a pain killer - masking the pain away without knowing the real reason why it experiences that in the first place. What would you do if there was actually a way to make that pain go away, and you finally get to experience your body's full potential when it comes to its range of motion and stability?

In this episode, Kashif is joined by Dr. Adam Gavine. Adam is a chiropractor working in Sydney Australia with a special interest in tendons and sports rehabilitation. He has a Bachelor of Human Kinetics, a Masters of Chiropractic, is about to complete his Masters of Research and has just started his PhD at the University of Sydney. Adam specialises in a soft tissue technique called Active Release Techniques® (ART) and is a full body certified ART provider.

Adam is a certified member and specialist instructor of the Swiss DolorClast® Academy, and has trained practitioners in the use of shock wave therapy internationally since 2016. Adam also does contract work for EMS, a Swiss Medical Company which, in 1997, patented a ballistic technology that generates shock waves. They are the inventor’s of Radial Shock Wave Therapy (RSWT). Adam is also the Director of Back to Function, where he works out of two clinics, one in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia and the other on the Central Coast one hour north of Sydney. 

He is a published author having co-authored ‘Back Pain: how to build core stability for long-lasting relief’, which was published by Allen & Unwin in 2014. 

Kashif and Adam discuss the wonders that Shock Wave Therapy is able to bring to the table - having both experienced it themselves, and Adam certified to implement the practice for over 7 years. 

Shock Wave Therapy takes chiropractic services a step above with sound waves that travel to your body that bring beneficial effects on soft tissues. The way that this functions is through the release of cavitation bubbles which Adam discusses with Kashif, explaining that this was first discovered when it was used for internal methods that breaks kidney stones with the side effect of making back pain better.

Throughout the episode, here are the other points that were discussed by Kashif and Adam:

  • The story behind Adam and how chiropractic practice and shockwave therapy has helped him 
  • How Adam implements shock wave therapy
  • What a 'normal' body feels like
  • Pain as your body's signal to indicate something wrong
  • Treating symptoms instead of masking
  • Back pain, and all other aches in the body

If you wish to learn more from Adam, you may do so in the following channels:


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