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Kashif Khan

The Reality Behind Vaccine Injury and Children with Autism with Dr. Maija Hahn - S2E29

APRIL 4, 2023

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A parent's biggest heartbreak is losing her child to what was said to make them stronger. 

When parents hold their children for the first time, they are mostly given hope for the future of their child and the whole family. This future is taken away by the lack of transparency in the possibility of vaccine injury, and other environmental factors that already cause so much damage even before the baby is born and continues on through their developmental stage. 

In this episode, Kashif is joined by Maija C. Hahn, CCC-SLP, the President of Research and Education for Autistic Children's Treatment. She is also the Founder and President of the United for Healthcare Works, as she is also a speech pathologist and autism expert. Through all of these organizations and positions, Maija is known to be a strong advocate and activist in exposing the truth about autism and other healthcare topics that are often hidden by pharmaceuticals. 

Kashif and Maija discuss what is autism and where it actually originates from, since not all children are meant to be born with autism and some develop them through certain exposures. There are aspects in vaccines that lack research such as components that cannot be detoxified by children. In fact, there are 6 Key Areas to Understand on Autism based on the study of Toby Rogers which Maija discusses with Kashif along with the Principles of Functional Medicine which involves the 7 Core Clinical Imbalances. 

Here are other topics that were also discussed in the episode:

  • Autism as a medical condition
  • Genetics and autism
  • Adult onset autism
  • The 300+% increase in autism over the past years
  • Environmental nutrition
  • EMFs and wireless radiation and how it affects your children
  • Silence from regulatory boards with regards to the subject
  • Therapies that can be done to help your children
  • Ways to help REACT - Research and Education for Autistic Children's Treatment

If you wish to forward Maija's cause and learn more from her, you may do so in the following channels:

  • Go to to see different ways and resources that will finally end the autism epidemic. REACT is a charity that brings real hope for a healthy tomorrow.
  • You may also visit which is a national organization of independent healthcare workers who support true informed consent and medical choice and freedoms. This is led by Maija.


Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of Kashif Khan's book, "The DNA Way: Unlock the Secrets of Your Genes to Reverse Disease, Slow Aging, and Achieve Optimal Wellness" which is now available for presale!

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This episode may also be streamed on YouTube!